Sales| 10 PRICELESS Prospecting Guidelines

  Concisely, this is one of the best pieces I’ve read pertaining to “Prospecting“; written by dignified sales-pro|author|speaker Colleen Francis – (Engage Selling Solutions). “Sales Success: Ten Things You Absolutely Need to Know About Prospecting” gives a sternlydescriptive, detailed-oriented narrative concerning prospecting and it’s relationship with business & sales. Highlighting:   Origin Frequency Rate Goals Vision Statistics Skills Discipline…

Sales| 25 Prospecting Tips to OWN Your Next Call [INFOGRAPHIC]

What is “Prospecting” in Sales? The process of searching for potential customers, clients, or buyers in order to develop new business. End goal =  move prospects through the sales funnel until they eventually convert into revenue-generating customers. It’s Important to note: *Although ALL “Prospects” stem from “Leads“…. *ALL “Leads” aren’t necessarily “Prospects.” Leads: Potential customers who…

2016’s| TOP Digital Trends Consumers LOVE! [INFOGRAPHIC]

(2015) Overview  Quizzes & Polls were the most shared content type on Facebook. Mobile-Search outpaced Desktop-Search for the first time. Integration of Social-Buy Buttons: Pinterest already has 60million+ Buy-Buttons operating Instagram, Facebook & Twitter are following suit. The marketing group, REACHLOCAL’s  study noted: 79% of consumers use their devices to conduct local searches. 72% prefer to visit mobile-friendly sites. 74% would revisit…

2016| Ultimate List Of Tips By 80 SEO Experts

2016 has barely grown beyond its first month and the SEO world is already shaking. One with all the recent dances in the SERPs and the up-and-coming Google Penguin 4.0 algorithm update, a lot of tremors and imagination of the future has been arising in marketers, which to be honest, I can’t fully understand. SEO is…